Thursday 14 September 2017

Interpretation on Marshall McLuhan’s ‘the tetrad’ diagram

Explain and give your personal interpretation on Marshall Mcluhan's the tetrad diagram.

In the Laws of Media(1988), written by McLuhan with his son Eric and published posthumously, he argues that tetrads are means of focusing awareness on hidden or unobserved qualities in our culture and technology. This follows from his argument that all human artefacts are human utterances or outer and such they are linguistic and rhetorical entities. At the same time the etymology of all human technologies is to be found in human body itself. They are, as it were, prosthetic devices, mutations, metaphor of the body or its parts. McLuhan argues that he effects of every media can be viewed in four ways, and that the tetrad offers an exegisis on four levels, showing the logos structure of each artefact and giving its four parts as metaphor or word. The tetrad is therefore a grid with four sections.

It explains that they further exhibit McLuhan's abiding concern with pedology; they are meant to be used as tools to analyze the patterns of effects that different technologies produce. McLuhan phrased them as questions with which to consider an artefact.

The idea behind the tetrad are explained in more details by Anthony Hempell. He describes

1. Enhancement
    - as the amplification of effects with a focus on the practical.It involves the creation of vortices of power and presents a solution to previous problem.

2. Retrieval
    -as the recovery of values and insight previously lost or eroded. It can involve the transition of ground to figure, that is the movement of a phenomenon from the periphery to the centre of attention.

   - as erosion of formerly significant artifact. This reverses the transition above causing a transition of figure to ground in which some previously important phenomenon is moved to the periphery.

   as the reverse of enhancement, the unexpected dissatisfactions. Pushed to its limits, the artifact flips    on its user and creates new problems.

To more understand about it, I watched the video above


Friday 1 September 2017

Ramli Sarip 'Papa Rock'

                                                                    imges from google

Datuk Ramli Sarip born on October 15, 1952 is a Singaporean singer, songwriter, arranger and music producer. Known as 'Papa Rock' and 'Malaysia's King of Rock' as well as one of the founders of Singapore's rock scenes. Ramli was the front man and lead singer of the Singapore-based heavy metal-rock group Sweet Charity until 1986. Most of his songs have proven to be popular and his hits have sold tens of thousands of copies.Christopher Toh of Today described Ramli as 'Singapore's most famous rocker around.' He was conferred the title of 'Datuk' by the Yang Dipertua Negeri of the state of Malacca in an investiture ceremony on the occasion of the latter's birthday in 2013.Sweet Charity established in 1984, the Singapore-based Malay rock band Sweet Charity had Ramli as its front man and lead singer until he left in 1988. Sweet Charity was reportedly so successful in the 1970s to the 1980s that they ignited a 'rock explosion' in both Singapore and Malaysia.

Ramli Sarip be someone who many people of him because oh his voice and song that really touched our heart and feeling when we listened to it. For me, the song with title' Teratai' is the most touched song because it is related to my past memory and every time I listened to it automatically I cried. Not only me, for those who listened to this song will feel the same things like me as well.


Monday 28 August 2017

Media Imperialism (week 8)

Can you think of some examples of media imperialism(local,your own country,overseas)?

Media imperialism is a phenomenon of a big and wealthy media industry or company or monopoly over the media industries. When an owner is actually controlling the media, the media output can be biased. The owner can decide on what information to be shown as well as what to be censor.

The same thing happens in our country, Malaysia. As example, our newspaper is control by the government under the act of PPPA1984 Malaysia's Printing Presses and Publications Act. The PPPA provided the Minister of Home Affairs with discretionary powers concerning the granting, suspension and revocation of printing licences within Malaysia and the import and distribution of foreign publications. Licensing offences under the Act and punishable by up to 3 years' imprisonment or fines of up to RM 20,000 or both. Accordingly to Press Freedom Index by Reporters without Borders,Malaysia is ranked 131 out of 175 nations.

A famous example of media imperialism is the BERSIH Protest on 10 November 2007. The event organizers intended to have a peaceful, non-violet rally, advising participants in the days and weeks beforehand how to keep the rally peaceful.However, the rally was marred by the government sanctioned police violence. After the incident, foreign media such as Al-Jazeera covered the event with detailed videos and ground and satellite images. BBC and CNN featured the news in their online papers as well.

The example of imperialism that happened in Malaysia was a BERSIH gathering and a gathering called a red shirt. The head of this gathering was only to remind, consciousness of society about what we should stand in our country but when all this was misinterpreted, the two rallies, this has been lost and the fight between the two sides. Things like this have gained media attention and spread in many media such as newspapers, magazines, or television.

Through television, has been widely featured in the news, not just within our country but has continued to the outside world. After this incident, the media from outside the country have published this news through newspaper or news in their country. This shows how powerful the power of the media is. It can spread things quickly and the media from two countries also disseminate it without checking.


Tuesday 22 August 2017

"How does Mass Media Affect Socialization in Children and in Young Adults? (Week 7)

"How does Mass Media Affect Socialization in Children and in Young Adults?
Talks about how the mass media affects socialization in children and in young adults.
Discuss how there are negative and positive factors of how mass media can influences
a child's or young adult's life. "

In my opinion the positive factor of mass media influence on children is good for their mental development. There we can see that smartphones and the internet and even television can develop children's minds because there are elements of learning elements. Parents should also monitor children not to fall into different directions other than learning elements.If we see today a lot of videos, a show that shows the right learning for a child. The negative factor for a child is that if they are accustomed to social media and gadjets, it will affect them to do so as often as possible. The danger is also for the eyes of children as it sees the phone screen for too long. So the parents have to focus on all this.

The outsourcing of mass media to the adult life of a positive factor is that they can be short and fast to do a sale they are developing. In fact, mass media for adult life is a lot of positive because adults are able to think mature. In terms of its negative factors, the mass media would be worse in adults if they abuse their existing power by exacerbating others, dropping and defaming others for the sake of their own social content which is now a frenzy of users everywhere.They should think well but they only think of their own feelings.

In conclusion, the mass media will be positive and negative depending on the individual itself by the way they are practicing it.


Tuesday 15 August 2017

Media and Society: Video in Culture, Community and Art (Week 6)

“Films can teach, they can explain and they can move people to great depths. Having done all these things, is it possible for films to move people to action? There is no question for most social scientists that carefully constructed communications, films for instance, can produce changes in attitudes, in those who adequately receive the communication. The use of adequately is of course a conscious one in that we know that people tend to misperceive that which they hear and see, and go through fairly complicated strategies of selective attention and selective perception.” 

 Question:Based on the statement above, share your thoughts on the issue, of how community video can make changes in people, and the community that they belonged to. You can give some examples to explain. 


"Movie can teach, they can explain and they can move people to great depth. After doing all these things, is it possible that the film moves people to act? For me yes, movies can move people to act depending on the type of movie they make. My opinion of today's society is quick to judge with what he sees without knowing the real thing, when they believe in what they see and hear they start spreading it o others and will arise the issues that are being said. A lot of stories, issues raised through social media that are now the craziness of our community using it like "YouTube', 'Facebook', Twitter' through social media like this can easily spread any issue over now. In addition, the use of the internet is so widespread among our society and it makes you the only issue that should not be spread, not just the use of the internet and social media, through television can also covey false information if it not processed. This is because television is a focus for adults and teenagers and kids. With the incomplete understanding of what they see from the video, films and so on can cause many negative factors, especially to cause fights between our societies today. It will aggravate the situation. They way to prevent it is to refer to the individual to be responsible in spreading film, video and attitude of the ruling party also can play an important role in preventing negative things from occurring and spreading.

Saturday 5 August 2017

"The Truman Show"

Discuss a scene you find the most profound  in the movie.

The most intense scenes in this movie that is when Truman really want to go to the Fiji but there are many obstacles ahead. The first when he wanted to book a plane ticket but nothing was empty. After all, he tried to get on the bus, but suddenly the bus broke down. Which in turn he was determined to go to the Fiji on his car with his wife but many obstacles had happened along the way.Finally, the intention of Truman to be Fiji forced to be forgotten due to the many allegations coming. There we can see how sad and disappointed that the desire to go to Fiji is to be canceled. There my heart was touched by the seriousness of the Truman in achieving what he wanted.

The next scene was when he disappeared from the general view and finally got to know the location of Truman that he was sailing to meet her beloved girl since college. There he got various assumptions that for me was very dangerous as it involved lives. There looks like he is very determined to keep himself safe from the catastrophe.But he was very surprised and there was a little disappointed as he learned that he had been watching the public for so long. He was not aware that all this was planned only. But in the end, he can accept the fact of what has happened so far.

In my story, this is very interesting because I can see such high self-esteem as well as to be honest in every way to get what he wants.

Saturday 29 July 2017

Example of stereotypical and the differences between it

Can you think of an example of a stereotypical image in media that has caused harm? What about an example where no harm has been caused? What’s the difference between these two examples?

An example of a stereotypical image in media that has caused harm that is in the current media view wealth is a barrier for poor families to continue their studies. In addition, the lack of money is also a mouthpiece that the less fortunate will not succeed in the future than those who are more than capable of entering any university within the country or abroad. The financially capable groups are viewed by the media as opposed to the opposite. Even though the less fortunate had been offered to continue their studies to the next level, they had to reject the offer because of the finances. For the well-versed groups will always be highly regarded by the media and even the society. As the overweight media cause those who cannot afford to be isolated and ignored to continue their studies.

An example where no harm has been caused education. In the present year, there is no difference for anyone who wishes to pursue higher education as many government universities have been established. This is where the government of this kingdom lightens the burden of the less fortunate. For those who are capable can also continue their studies at this government university. In addition, there are many loans for those who wish to pursue their studies at home or abroad, for example PTPTN, MARA, and so on. So, the whole media plays an important role in spreading this information.

The difference between these two examples is to involve deep feelings, burdens, and thoughts in resolving a future problem. Both of which involve the future and are the things that need to be emphasized. Both of these can be prevented if the media is not biased and uses the media as good as possible to release important information to the public. For example, through tv, radio, advertising to make it easier for the public to know it.


Interpretation on Marshall McLuhan’s ‘the tetrad’ diagram

Explain and give your personal interpretation on Marshall Mcluhan's the tetrad diagram. In the Laws of Media(1988), written by Mc...